Taj 1962

White marble, bright marble, marble marbling, marble marbled,
Anesthetized and aesthetized
Marble in love and love in marble:
Love of the love in man,
Love of the love in man for woman,
Love of the love in man in quest,
Love of the love in man for God—
Marble worshipping marble, dawn and day, and dusk and moonlight,
Marble worshipping, marble worshipped, marble callings:
“There is no God but God.”
Glory congealed, solitude thawed,
Eternity blessing man, man blessing eternity
The epic of love in the form of love.
Shah Jehan now forted in the White House,
Mumtaz Begun returns to review her former remains:
Greet thy Empress, oh sanctified stones:
Preen yourselves, mosaics! launderette, curtains of hardened lace!
Chant, Khawwals, fountains, as she draws near!
Marbles of Breque reveal their contours,
Pillars of Kadinsky explain themselves,
Klee is in marble, painted in marble
Love is no longer hidden by love.
White marble, bright marble, marble marbling, marble marbled,
Marble in love, love in marble—
The moon constantly returns.