Donate to General Fund and Specific Causes

Heart and Hands for Joomla


For donations to specific causes, please note the purpose of your donation in the memo

ACH Bank Transfer: Secure funds transfer, we incur no fee for this method. Choose payment type: BANK

Credit or Debit Card: Choose payment type: CARD

For assistance or to make a card payment by phone:
Waduda Welsh, Treasurer
303-718-9712, Colorado, USA
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PayPal: Select the PayPal button below:

 PayPal Button


Mail a Check: Make check payable to Sufi Ruhaniat International
For recurring donations, schedule an automated monthly check using your bank's online services

Mail to:
Sufi Ruhaniat International
1330 6th Street
Boulder, CO 80302