⇐ Classes from Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

Wali Ali c 2017 2019 02


There is a wealth of class material by Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. Many of these sets of recordings represent complete class series and the audio-only classes are free to download. Click on a title to access the class files and for further information. Your donations are welcome - see the link at the bottom of this page.


"...what I want people to do is stay with your practice and with the blessing that's in it with whatever degree that you can bring to it, and let it warm up; let it warm up your being." -- Murshid Wali Ali

 photo courtesy of Sierra Salin




Deepening in the 99 Beautiful Names

These audio recordings are from a series of all-day classes beginning in 2007 with Murshid Wali Ali Meyer and Imam Bilal Hyde, sometimes joined by Pir Shabda Kahn. The classes were held when these three authors of Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah were immersed in the subject matter as the book was forming through their inspiration.

A Journey through Physicians of the Heart - A Class on the 99 Names of Allah

This course on a Sufi view of the 99 Names of Allah is presented in the form of audio recordings of 27 monthly classes, from 2013 to 2015, following the release of Physicians of the Heart in 2011. Murshid Wali Ali walks listeners through the book chapter by chapter, with insights, practices, stories and discussion with a group of dedicated students attending the class the Mentorgarten in San Francisco.

A Journey through the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah

This class met twice per month at the Mentorgarten in San Francisco. Wali Ali teaches from Physicians of the Heart based on wazifah relationships and his inspiration. This wonderful series is available on video and audio.

Dharma Night with Murshid Wali Ali Meyer -- The Zen Masters Series 

Experience the teachings and biographies of Sokei-an Sasaki, Nyogen Senzaki and others, with the guidance and understanding of Murshid Wali Ali.  2017-2018, video and audio formats.

Early "Dharma Night" Classes 

Audio recordings and a few videos of Wali Ali's Dharma Night sessions from 2007 to 2012. This is a continuation of the classes first taught by Murshid Samuel Lewis.  Delve into teachings and practices from the Dharma traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

Gatha Classes

The Gathas are sacred teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan to his students in the early stages of their spiritual path. Downloadable mp3 audio recordings from 2008 to 2010 present Wali Ali's guidance through these teachings.

Additional Talks, Seminars and Other Commentary

Find here some additional recordings of Murshid Wali Ali's Presentations.


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