Prayer and the God Ideal

Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

Breath and Fikr

Series I - 5 classes    Series II - 6 classes

Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

Having taken prayer from full oral recitation, to the focused prayers of the each individual wazifa, to the all inclusive reality of the One and Only Being, now the direction of our practice is to internalize the prayer on the breath.  This inner direction invites consideration of the breath itself as an indwelling Divine presence.  Sufi teachings on this subject are studied in depth as well as practices for the development of intuition and insight.

These classes were offered by Murshid Wali Ali Meyer in 2003 in San Rafael CA to a group of committed mureeds.  The original series was offered over 11 months, and was a very intensive course of study. Over time we have learned that students at a distance benefit from a more measured pace of study. Thus we have separated the full course into two parts - Series I and II.

Current prices are listed in the Esoteric Studies Program General Overview pdf document.

There is currently no fee for the audio classes, but registration is required.  This includes the texts for the classes in PDF format and the audio files in MP3 format. A high-speed internet connection is ideal.  Hard copy materials - CDs and printouts of the pdf files - are available for an additional fee.  Refer to the above Esoteric School General Overview for the price list.

Please contact Barakat Bryan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and to register for the class.