God is Breath Course 1: Breath, Concentration, and the God Ideal

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"The breath is the current which is established between all planes of our existence. Its current runs from the life unseen to the life on the surface, thus uniting spirit and matter both." — Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan


Wali Ali Meyer 2012 byPaulaSaffireCourse Description

This first course focuses on teachings and practices from Hazrat Inayat Khan, Murshid SAM, and Murshid Wali Ali Meyer for various ways of more deeply and consistently Watching the Breath, in a very gentle and refined way, without "leaning" on it, and without a particular mental agenda, or expectation of an outcome. In addition, a variety of other Breath, Sound, and Concentration practices (including Attuning to the Illuminated Souls) are engaged with, so that eventually the Breath can become a teacher, leading to greater skill in modulating one's emotional, mental, and spiritual states, by making conscious changes to the Breath. Throughout the course practical suggestions are offered to help better embody the teachings about Breath, and the God Ideal, and to lovingly hold and work with any resistance that might arise — all in support of making God a Reality in one's life. (photo of Murshid Wali Ali courtesy of Paula Saffire)


Course 1: Links for Participants

For current participants and for those who have completed the course
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Final Recap


Course Tuition

The suggested tuition for Course 1 is $600 USD for 12-months of instruction, guidance, and support from the Wheel Mentor, plus the co-creation of a supportive Sangha of fellow Wheel-member practioners.

Tuition adjustments are available. Money should not be an obstacle to your participation. For those living on fixed incomes, or in other situations where the suggested tuition puts the course out of reach for you, or where currency exchange rates are too unfavorable for you, you may adjust the suggested tuition.

Please consult your own heart and Guidance to decide on a tuition adjustment that will work for you and your situation, without compromising your basic needs. There is a "sweet" amount between too much and too little, that will respect your own financial and economic realities, while also honoring the great value and benefit this course offers, and completing the cycle of  Spiritual Reciprocity.



We anticipate opening registration of the new cycle of Course 1 in mid-June 2024. Join our email list.


For More Information

Muiz Brinkerhoff, Program Director: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you'd like to get a taste of the teachings, perspectives, and practices that you'll engage with during the course, you can watch a recording of the introductory presentation that Muiz made on August 20, 2022, for the Ruhaniat Family Zoom Gathering, "Breath, Heart, and the God Ideal". His presentation begins at 17:07 minutes into the recording: https://youtu.be/RMsCICSNlS4